Lexi Black
From RN to MBA: pursuing a unique healthcare career
After completing her undergrad in Nursing at Endicott, Lexi decided to pursue an MBA and chase her dream toward owning her own practice as an advanced practitioner.
Lexi had fallen in love with the amazing campus during her undergraduate career at Endicott. She was attracted to the 5th Year MBA program for its one-of-a-kind flexibility and the fact that it can be completed in nine months.
As the only student wanting to go into health care in the program, Lexi felt like Endicott's Van Loan School worked to help her achieve her goals. Her ultimate goal is to become an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and own her own practice. Lexi found the program to be personalized and the administrative staff to be dedicated to helping her get to where she needed to go. In her words, "This program does an amazing job of preparing each student for their future and helps everyone follow their exact path. I received all of the knowledge and experience I needed to go out and make a difference in the world."